Jungbub Talk
Spiritual Mentor Cheon Gong spent 17 solitary years in the mountain, made a direct connection with Nature, and absorbed Cosmic Law, the principle that governs the Universe. He now teaches humanity how to live correctly by applying the Cosmic Law.
Are you still looking for the answers that will quench your thirst for the truth? Are you still looking for a spiritual teacher who can guide you? Spiritual Mentor Cheon Gong from Korea can answer any questions you may have. He has been answering questions about Family, Relationships, Science, Society, Government, Religion, and more.
A New Era calls for new teaching. Listen to learn about complete and comprehensive teaching that will lead you to a Happy Life! Jungbub means Righteous (Cosmic) Law in Korean.
For more info, visit Jungbub USA.
Email: jbtalks.english@gmail.com for questions or comments.
Jungbub Talk
Reincarnation and the Life of a Soul After Death (2_2). Lecture 8993.
Reincarnation and the Life of a Soul After Death (2_2).
Lecture 8993
Date: September 22, 2019
Location: Milan, Italy
In this second part of the series, spiritual mentor Cheon Gong continues to explain the reason why people return back to earth. Some terms to understand that mean the same thing are spirits, souls, and a small letter “gods.”
Souls travel back and forth from the 4th dimension to the 3rd dimension here on earth with the physical body to grow and develop our soul. Listen to this episode to expand your awareness of what “reincarnation” is.
For more information, visit “Jungbub-us.com” or email to “jbtalks.english@gmail.com. You can also watch videos on YouTube channel, Jungbub English. Thank you for listening.